Dakshinee goes global - Affiliations :
Since 1988 Dakshinee had been receiving requests from ex-students abroad for affiliation which finally fructified in 1997 in 'Nupur' the first affiliated unit in London, followed by 'Rabisikha' in north London and 'Dakshinayan' in the south, 'Rabiprobash' in Toronto, 'Kahlar' in Washington DC and 'Uttarayan' in New Delhi. Due to unfortunate circumstances Dakshinee has had to withdraw its affiliation from 'Nupur' and 'Kahlar' but is now considering giving affiliation to a few other new institutions in the near future.
Affiliation 2013 :
Affiliation granted to KALPONA, a cultural institute based at Huntingdon (near Cambridge, UK) to impart training in Rabindra-Sangeet by following the Course of DAKSHINEE. Enthusiastic perons who want to learn Rabindra-Sangeet with dedication and sincerity may contact :
43 Parkway, Huntingdon, Cambridge, UK PE296JA
Phone: +44 7967662471
E-mail: contact@kalpona.com
Website: www.kalpona.com
Persons to be contacted :
Mr Nandan Sengupta (Secretary)
Mrs Radha RoyChoudhury (Teacher-in-Charge)
Rabishikha :
School of Tagore Music & Culture
7 Truro Road, Wood Green, London N22 8EH
Phone: +208 829 0603
E-mail: rabishikha@hotmail.co.uk
Rabishikha is based in North London but attracts students from all over the city. Rabishikha's main aim is to train not only the general Bengali speaking population but especially second generation British-Asians in Rabindrasangeet and propagate the philosophy of Tagore.The school has grown considerably over the years and currently has recruited around 30 students. The student population comprises recruits of all ages, enthusiastic and committed to learn this genre of music and be inspired by the genius of Tagore. The photo on the right shows some members of Rabisikha.
We aim to expand regularly and with this view in mind organise concerts every year and perform as invited artists all over the country. We also aim to spread the music and philosophy of Tagore to the mainstream audience in the West. We collaborate with musicians, artistes, dancers and actors from varied communities and nationalities and present innovative musicals and Dance Theatres on contemporary themes incorporating Rabindrasangeet for the wider audience. Rabishikha has received public grants from Arts Council and Awards for their productions Maya and Dark Light. The photo on the left shows classes in London for faculty of Rabishikha.
Dakshinayan: :
It is an academic unit of Dakshinee and holds classes for year 2 till year 5 at the central London venue of Bengal Institute at Baker Street. It also has active classes for more juniors in East London and also has a secured partnership for classes in West London as well.
It is now a wing of the foundation for Indian performing arts and apart from research on Tagore Ideals and Propagation, it has given prestigious performers at the Victoria and Albert Museum, British Museum, Nehru Centre, Mountbatten Hall Bhavan, University of Oxford and also has extensive tours planned and organised.
Principal: Dr.Ananda Gupta
Rabi Prabas :
Rabi Prabas is the Toronto branch of Daksinee, Kolkata. Formed in 2000 with the blessing of Sri Sudeb Guha Thakurta our main objective is to teach rabindrasangeet in the traditional manner following the published notation and proper technique so that the end result can be clearly identified as the unique genre that is 'Rabindra Sangeet'. The course is taught by Smita Mahalanobis (left) and Seema Chakravorty (right) who are Daksinee graduates with several years experience as practitioners of Rabindra Sangeet. The administrative side is handled by Sri Tirthankar Mahalanobis, also known as the 'Principal'. We are fortunate that we can follow the Dakshinee syllabus which introduces a variety of 'taals', 'parjay' as well as different types of melody in a systematic fashion.
We have eight students at present. The students are genuinely interested in rabindrasangeet and several travel for more than one hour, to attend the bi-monthly sessions. We have formed a family around rabiprabas and celebrate special occassions together, in addition to performing at local functions as a group. We strive to make these presentations tasteful and as "rabindrik" as we can, giving precedence to the vocals. We try to emulate the disciplined performances that characterizes the mother institution Dakshinee. Group performing in the Toronto Kalibari. The accompanying photo shows such a Group Performance.
We are currently following the third-year course and the students are really enjoying exposure to the rather special selection of songs in the curriculum. Some of the students are aspiring to go to Kolkata to appear in the diploma examination in the near future. We are proud to be a member of the far-flung satellite institutions of Dakshinee around the continents.
Uttarayan :
'Uttarayan' has been engaged in making significant contribution in the field of cultural heritage of our country. Our specific focus has been on the works of the great philosopher poet Rabindranath Tagore. You would appreciate that it takes a special effort to advance a specific ethos, though universal, to a cosmopolitan culture as we find in Delhi. Promoting his extensive corpus of works and enjoying them in his own words is the task Uttarayan has set itself. We are proud that over a period of 25 years, we have staged programmes/ cultural festivals every year. Our programmes have always been well attended and have received praises from the audiences as well as the media. The accompanying photo shows Shri Sanjay Sarkar.
Uttarayan's journey started way back in 1983 when a handful of aspiring personalities wanted the 'Rabindra-Culture' to prevail in Delhi. It was their wishful intention primarily to quench thirst of the people who were missing their cultural ethos away from their home state. It was at times swimming against the flow. But Uttarayan with all its good intentions and determinations kept moving towards perfection each year. Today, without any hesitation one can say that 'Uttarayan' is the pioneer in popularizing 'Rabindra- culture' amongst the Bengalis as well as the Non-Bengalis in Delhi and its neighbourhood.Apart from 'Kobi Smaran' every year and 'ghoroa' every month, to promote young and aspirant singers, actors and dancers, Uttarayan has sponsored number of programmes that were widely acclaimed by audiences, fans as well as critics for its innovative approach and authentic presentation. This task Uttarayan had undertaken and would continue to indulge in.
Uttarayan's first production 'Phalguni' in 1984 was a big hit with the Delhi audience. The headlines of the newspaper review read 'Splendour that is Uttarayan's Phalguni'. There was no looking back since then. Thus began a series of programmes and productions to quench the thirst of music loving Bengalees in the capital. In 1986 Uttarayan arranged a two-day 'Rabindrasangeet' conference attended by well-known artistes from Kolkata, Shantiniketan, Mumbai etc. Uttarayan was invited by the Sangeet Natak Akademy in 1987 to participate in a 10 day Festival on Tagore's works. With some other productions like 'Balmiki Protibha' in 1992, 'Kshudito pashan' in 1996, 'Shrabon gatha' in 1999, 'Teen Shondhya' in 2001, Uttarayan established itself as the leading torch-bearer of 'Rabindra-sanskriti' in Delhi.
At a joint programme with 'Dakshinee' of Kolkata, the General secretary of 'Dakshinee' Sri Sudeb Guha Thakurta was impressed with Uttarayan's performance and offered Uttarayan to become an affiliated member. Uttarayan accepted and became an affiliated unit of 'Dakshinee' Kolkata in 2001. Uttarayan students now have the opportunity to learn Rabindrasangeet according to the music course of 'Dakshinee' and become eligible to appear for the Diploma examination conducted by 'Dakshinee' at Kolkata.
Srijon :
Dakshinee's first affiliated unit 'Srijon' is located in Mumbai. For details please contact: Kamalika Guhathakurta:
Phone: +91 9820085996